There are two ways you can go about learning guitar arrangements. One method is to store the forms of agreements (which fret the fingers), a chain graph. The other way, and recommended method is to obtain a real understanding of how these agreements are concluded, and where, in essence, "just".
Now you can say "What's the point? Store Until the form of agreements, I want to know where to place your fingers" - true, and to some extent, this is not a way to learn a waste. However, it is athose things that once I can understand how those agreements are reached, only then can you fully appreciate having that knowledge. It appears that there is overlap with other areas of the theory of guitar, and not only those agreements. Thus, this article will hopefully make you believe that the scaffolding that allows us to build what we called "Drinking agreements" and "mobile forms of agreements.
First, the word "form". We do this by training our fingers on the keyboard when you play a chord. These 5 large open stringsyou learn as a beginner are based on 5 types of agreements bar, because agreements to use these forms bars top and bottom of the keyboard.
E-bar form - according to an open E string, therefore, the lowest root note is on the bottom string
The A-bar form - a form based on the string, then the base note, the root is on A. chain
The C-shaped bar - on the basis of the Yep (you guessed it) The form open C chord, which also has its root note on the Downchain.
And leaving the G and D-form agreements based on agreements with their counterparts in open-areas.
So, using our index as bars, is actually a button or a leader who allows us to form family form strings beginning on key 1.
E-bar-shaped key chain 1 becomes "F". 5 becomes the key "A" - that is the root note, because it is on "A". So, once you learn the notes on the keyboard, you know where are the root notes (the low E, A and Dstrings) for each of the 5 major chord shapes!
It is important to emphasize that calls the "agreements bar" is not always accurate. Sometimes the string does not include an index, a bar, but is still based on one of the 5 forms of agreements. I simply call these agreements "mobile" or "rope mobile forms," because you can go up and down the neck of the guitar, depending on what key you're
Finally, he learns to see these figures as "descendant" or "bottom-up forms. For example, theG-form moves down the keyboard, while the E-form of salt, however, who can use exactly the same low E string root note.
Mastering the 5 main mobile forms bar / rope actually have now 5 voicings for any given string?
For example, a major can be played with the E-Barre as the key 5, but you can get more senior, expressed using the D-shaped bars in the key 7. Also, you can play a G-form an important agreement for the umpteenth timeExpress.
What makes the different voicings? Well, here is the knowledge of the major scale into play the major scale tells us where we find the details that make up the agreement. Guess what? The scale may be identified as pure forms! These forms correspond to forms of agreements we have just discussed.
For example, the C-bar-shaped drops on the keyboard by its root note, but we can see how the notes of such agreements are trained to associateform a descending scale. The form of agreements literally encroaches on the form of notes linked to large scale.
Once you learn the main types of scale, we see that the formation of notes that make up each form of agreement defining their unique expression. For example (this may not make much sense at this time), C-shaped bar has a lower delivered "3" A-shaped bar, and that's part of what gives it a unique expression.
It is really amazing how everything seemspull together naturally. The relationship between the size of shapes and forms of agreements is often neglected, and as a result of learning guitar chords of Parrot. This is not a problem at all ... until you get to write their own music - then, knowing that work different voicings and especially how these voicings on his finger, your music is not limited by what we see on a line graph!
Admittingly, it is difficult to explain and difficult to assimilate, but I hope to open at least a few "curiosity in your mind about how these agreements behind the scenes of graphic chain.
Experiment, explore and enjoy this wonderful tool!
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