วันอาทิตย์ที่ 6 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to Make a Professional Voice-Over Sound on the podcast

Music and Voice-Overs: When to Drop the Music

Most podcasts start with a blast of music, before the presenter fades the volume. She then says a few words with the music playing gently in the background. When she finishes speaking, she either fades the music up and it ends or fades it out entirely.

This is known as a voice-over and is often abbreviated as V/O. The music in the background is often referred to as the music bed.

Usually the music bed will be from a Royalty-Free Library "music production". The track is not a sales Top 40.

Why use a voice-over?

While some people do voiceover, simply because the whole world, there are indeed good reasons to use them.

When listeners hear the word often gets tired and distracted. Music can add energy and refocus your mind of the listener on what you say.

He works the middle of your podcast or wordstart. If you want to create the right energy at the beginning of your podcast, voiceover can focus your mind of the listener immediately.

But being able to influence the energy levels is not the only reason the voiceovers are so useful.

The use of the music behind the voice also affects your state of mind of the listener. For example, if your podcast is about funerals, you can instantly affect the atmosphere with a calm and sad song. If you make a sports podcast, you can use a piece of music timewith an aggressive guitar riff.

Not everyone has what they said in the past, a voice broadcast. "Their condition may be poor intonation or simply disgusting. Playing music behind the voice, often mitigate the fact their voices are poor.

Creating great voice-over is reduced to two things. Timing and level of your music. Before talking about when you should reduce the volume of music and begins to talk, let me say a few words about the noise level of the music should be your bed, whenyou speak.

How far does it drop your music?

The best tool to judge the actual music is the voice behind your ear. You can not decide by looking at a package for editing audio and make a proposal based on the signal.

Listening to loud music and ask yourself, is the voice clear and easy to understand? Otherwise, reduce your music. Be aware that many people find it difficult to distinguish between voice and musicvoice-over on radio and television.

Then, use your ears when deciding to abandon the low level of music. Err on the side of a lower volume of music, rather than a top.

When you put the music?

Post your songs too late may slow the energy of your podcast and make it sound slow. And playing the music bed for too long before falling, the music becomes an instrument of communication in a piece of performance. You do not want that.

Musictoo long before falling to one vote, is on the way to spend more time at the restaurant looking at a menu card actually enjoying food. The menu should get you excited about the food and atmosphere to create the wonderful cuisine. But the main act is the food and not the menu.

For podcasters serious, the principal act is content that is usually transmitted by speech. Your music needs to create energy and excitement that draws the listener that you have tosay.


So how long before you remove the music? Seconds. To make the sound very well, however, also helps to know some basic musicological compared to the rate or the time of signature of the piece you are using.

I suggest you listen to hours of your music and release the volume so that the first words that begin on the first bar of a second or third. Do not fade slowly but elegantly down your music to beat 3 or 4 of the previous bar, the bar isspeak.

Fade or end?

When you have finished your voice, you should gently fade the music off? Fade or plays music when the song ends on a positive note?

I recommend fading fast for the music actually ends rather than disappears. Depending on the length of your voice-over, this may require you to change the music bed.

Change your music to exactly the right length is difficult at first. But once you're in practice it is very easy.

II think in most cases, a gradual decline, it does not sound as good. Modify your music ends if a bar or two after your last words sounded much more professional.

Rules are being written to be broken. There may be times when a slow fade actually achieve your editorial objective. Most often, however, are not really close the shades to make your podcast sound surly and more professional.

Good luck!

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